Shorteaz and Refused has taken my place...

its you with the buzz typing hahaha… thats why… :# <=== Brad… lmao

i want alchihal lol

hahaha guess i wasted the night to type siht on here while playing FPS games… oh well was good time and was stoned so made the game even better.

So November this site went up and look at those post counts.

Ya bunch of post whores!!! ":::

ya look at those post counts… i was in 4th when this thread started now im 6 trailing far behind.

we’re monsters muahahaha

well guys looks like i wont be posting as much anymore not in the mood to post much… so shorteaz will have 2nd place soon time… goodluck holding that sport down girl. :R

lol yea yea…uve sai that already how many times

i have my reasons… ill tell you later.


MUHAHAHAHA… back in the game for a bit only because im bored… :stuck_out_tongue:

WTF! Shorteaz took 2nd place hahahaha blade got owned

Oh crap, refused is catching up again

:RO ya looks like i am catching up :drivin

yeah yeah yeah but only for a short while until i come back online… lol havent been posting for 3 days now…

Refused USE THE FORCE!!!

^you guys and your star wars.
good movies but damn. :RO watch some beavis and butthead you’ll ge stupider (is that even a word) and then the force will become no more.

got #4 back again… for now.

YES YOUR BACK WOOOT!!! :R now keep posting.

will do.

:C :C :C

is this guy jumping because theres fire there? or is he jumping while farting out fire? :confused: :hmm

lol gueessss whoooss baackkkk :smiley:

I think we should all Aim for Zep now… muhahahahahaha…