Shorteaz and Refused has taken my place...

^haha sounds like a good plan.

^^^really does sound like a good plan. :smiley:

Now’s your chance.

btw, this isn’t the ^^^ thread, haha.

hahaha. ya
thats why i only put one ^
but assass1n might get confused by all these post he is going have to do to catch up.

haha, yeah, he can’t catch up if you keep replying LOL, like I was saying earlier.

But you guys can catch up to Shorteaz a bit by posting when she’s not online.

lol yea but im always gunna be bak online muahahahaha!!

Ahh, you are here during the day too!

I thought you only came on at night lol. now he has no chance.

lol i can be on here at n e time

^^^ Scary. Gotta watch what I say about you online! err, I mean… haha j/k

lol im so nice how cud u have n e thing bad to say :stuck_out_tongue:

Since you’re so nice… go post on my wall on facebook, I need to clear this girl off who took over my wall just now LOL.

mmk lol but u do know u can delete posts off ur wall

meh, yeah, I don’t want to delete her posts, I just don’t want her to be the only one on my wall haha.

Holy,… post whoerage taken to a new level!


2nd place beeeacchhess lol

taken over

all i need is to sabotage everyone elses internet connection and i can catch up. :smiley:

Wow, easily 2nd place.

If we continue at this rate, I’ll be top ten soon too.

lol yea but u got more ppl to fight thru who are tryin to uphold their positions

8th place and climbing!!!