should BIG BEN

wear a helmet while riding his motorcycle?

everyone should unless they want to die in a sometimes avoidable situation.


It’s his call really but he is an idiot if he does not wear it. My father in law, after they passed the law, that day, doesn’t wear his. Actually he wears it to the end of the street so his wife doesn’t see him riding w/o it, and then takes it off and puts it back on before he gets back in the neighborhood. He also does not wear his seat belt…hope I am included in his will :smiley: J/K

whats his wife e-mail?

i agree

i agree. its his choice, but i think its stupid of him (or anyone)to not wear one

fuck it , most bikers are assholes anyway so consider it natural selection…


i say its a way to thin out the heard. ive seen what no helmet injury looks like first hand. this kid lived. those riders on cruisers think cause they dont go fast or etc that they cant get hurt, which is a joke. hell those turtle shells dont do shit either, most of them arent legal anyways. honestly who cares if he wears on or not. if he was on a sport bike and doing wheelies ppl would be so worried about it also. fact is media has way to much time on their hands. they need to worry about more important things like their bad ass kids and paying some bills

There has to be something in his contract that states that he’s not allowed to do dangerous shit like that.

thats some bullshit if there was. on his off time he should be allowed to do anything he wishes. in the end its just a job. they dont own you

yea they do when they pay you 10 million dollars to throw a ball.

actually, they do own him. When you pay your players millions of dollars to do their job, then you want them to be healthy. Many contracts have clauses like this.

thats like saying thier isnt sex in the champane room. its gonna happen anyway.

i believe there is something in his contract about maintaining a healthy lifestyle

if u want a reason why the steelers dont want him riding on bikes and dangerous shit, refer to the Cleveland Browns/ Winslow situation

werd, i knew I heard about another NFL player getting fucked up real bad on a bike I just couldnt remember who it was.

Ben had a great year but still has a lot of growing up to do. He should listen to the people looking out for his best interests. You sacrifice for what, 10-15 years, and then you have all the money and the rest of your life to do what ever you want.

helmet in a serious accident is going to stop him from being brain damage…what matters most is if his legs and arms will be ok…thats whats important…if he gets hit wearing a helmet…he will live…but prob. have a lot of broken bones in his body and wont play ball for a while…if he gets hit not wearing a helmet…he will prob. have brain damage and wont ever play or he might die…if anything he shouldnt be on the bike…football is his career…he needs to be healthy…and not to be on a harley!!