should BIG BEN

Im not the least bit concerned with your car. :kekegay:

  1. this thread sucks
  2. if you’re that worried about a fucking football player, you really need a life.
  3. seatbelt/helmet laws are fucking stupid, let the person make a choice. Our goverment is fucking stupid for making bullshit laws like these just to make a little extra cash.

werd, if he gets hurt its his own ass…im a steelers fanatic, but he isnt the whole team…personally if i had his contract i wouldnt do shit to mess that up…putting your kids through school w/o a loan = priceless

I just got in town on Friday night and this is all I’ve heard about on the news since I’ve been here. My thoughts are the team fucked up by not having something in the contract stating helmets should be worn. When I used to ride, I lived in three different states that didn’t have helmet laws, however since I’m in the military, I have to wear one (I also wore one because I prefer to wear a helmet). The military specifically states that, but since his contract didn’t, then he’s doing nothing wrong and it shouldn’t be an issue. Sure, they have a clause for inherently dangerous activities, but that is too vague to say he needs to wear a helmet when on a motorcycle.

I agree with Redneck… I mean, its his choice… He should be smart enough to realize that he needs to wear it, but if he doesnt want to, he shouldnt have to… Also, if the Steelers did their “research” they would have realized he was into motorcycles, and if they were so frightened about it, they could have not drafted him. There are plenty of NFL guys doin drugs, getting all kind of fuckin diseases fucking bitches (Ron Mexico :kekegay:), do all kind of crazy stuff that “could” get them into trouble in their careers, just like a motorcycle could.

Darkstar, I’m suprised… With your political views, I figured you would have been along the lines of “less regulation” for shit like this???

haha, Ron Mexico

I would have, but its not a regulation. I am against helmet laws. I an against seatbelt laws. This isnt the government telling him he has to wear a helmet. Its his employer. No one is forcing him to wear a helmet. He did not have to sign the contract. And there is nothing wrong with his employer trying to protect their multi-million dollar investment.

When you work at McDonalds you cant have certain piercings and you cant have certain kinds of facial hair. They have restrictions on tattoos and stuff too. Why isnt anyone bitching about that? Lots of employers have restrictions that their employees must follow if they want to work for them. This is no different, except for the fact that he’s getting paid millions of dollars instead of minimum wage and all he’s being asked to do is wear a fucking helmet which anyone with half a brain would do anyways.

looks like omar khan shit teh bed on this one. they need some jeff kent no bike riding period clauses on those contracts from now on.