Should I be pissed?

I havent forgotten about you mike! i miss your white ass! lol…hurry back soon…i think hubby talks to you enough, and about you enough, that i would be repeating everything he said back to you!

yeah man, thats pretty much right on. A lot of my friends moved away this past year and its really hard to stay in touch. A buddy of mine from cali just called me what seemed to be yesterday and 21 days later i finally get in touch with him. I think at this point in our lives, a lot of us are really busy and its not that we don’t care, but finding time when both friends are free is difficult. Hell, finding 30 min of free time a day can be hard…

Mike: I’m sure that when you come back things will pick up right where you left off. I’ve never actually met you, but i’ve only heard good things from your friends. They still love you :slight_smile:

you have too much time to think about this shit overther, you need to get your ass back home and start drinking heavily. IF your friends cant take time to see you when your home then you can poop all over them.

dude i talk to u on AIM, when ever ur on.:tup:

fox body brothers for life


Being in Iraq isnt easy ( a little different than being somewhere else within the US for whatever reason )… and it would probably help to hear from your close friends and family on a regular basis, just to keep you sane…

so I disagree… I understand guys dont really chat with their guy friends all that much… its not a guy thing… but if your buddy is having a rough time and needs it… you arnt much of a friend if you dont feel like calling or youre too lazy…

And by the sounds of it… it kinda seems like he could use a few friendly convos w/ his buddies…

take for example (rather extreme): your father passes away, you wouldnt expect a few phone calls? or more?

If my father passed away I wouldn’t want my friends around. The “guy thing” would probably be not to mention it whatsoever as it is hard to bear. I would expect them to take me out drinking and talk about anything else but the death in my family.


i havent been to iraq yet but when i was at basic n AIT n went a few days with out any mail you kinda feel like shit when you see other people around you getting stuff.

when you get home everything will be cool. People will be blowing up your phone all the time cuz they’re all going to wanna see you.

I can’t imagine being in Mike’s situation and not having people keep talking to me about everyday stuff. I think that would be the only thing to keep me sane. plus everyone likes to get mail right??

I miss you Mike :slight_smile: come home to your wifey’s soon ok?

People have there own shit to deal with sometimes, then it slips there mind, to do what they wanted to do. If you sent out more than 2 emails to the same people…they just suck. Find a dead pig or something and put some bullet holes in it, take pics and email them to the fawkers who never replied back. Tell them that is what you are going to do to them when you get back. :lol: yes I am a sicko!!

alot of people are waitin for you to get home man, weather they email you or not

alot of people just suck at keeping in touch, im one of those kinds of people.

it doesnt ment that they cant still be considered friends, once you get back everyones gonna be calling your ass to hang out

i hear female inmates make great penpals tho :slight_smile:

Thanks for your sharing your thoughts and help guys. (LOL @ Spencer’s response) I think maybe I am overreacting. Im sure when I get home a tornado of wild drunks will come and sweep me away and it will be business as usual lol. But I guess I just worry too much, after a while I wonder if everything is ok with my friends and whats goin on. Like i said before i dont expect to get emails all the time cause reality is, people are busy, life goes on, and sometimes theres not much interesting shit goin on.

And i understand that, but I am just a bit frustrated because how long does it take to shoot me a 2 sentence long email just to say hey maybe once a month, ya know? Thats all i ask for. Especially after Ive made the effort to send out an email and let them know whats goin on with me and all that. I think regardless of how busy someone is, or how lazy lol, they could find the time to do that. Especially if ive known that person for years. I dont think thats unreasonable to ask for. :gotme:

Also I think it might just be a guy thing. The few friends I am talking about in this case are a couple of my close guy friends, all of my girl friends have been awesome with emails, letters, card, the occasional package, etc. Maybe us guys are just insensitive to each others emotional needs. :lol: Nah but really, I think maybe I am overthinking everything. I just hope everything is all good when i get home, theres already been alot of changes since i left, i just want things to be as they were as far as my relationships with all my friends go.

Now as far as everyone on this site that i know, you guys kick buTT. LoL its awesome to get a random card,CD of race vids, (even if the are imports :tdown: :stuck_out_tongue: ) or even the occasional email or PM to see how im doin, i appreciate that, it is nice to know that youre thought of once in a while. SO tee-up to all of my homies and wives on here, lol.

But I will tell you all one thing, being here sure makes you appreciate who you have in your life. I mean Ive always known that i am lucky to have good people in my life, but once i got here, the realization increased x 6387025436. Having a nice car and a few bucks in my pocket didnt mean a damn thing, but boy did it feel good when I would log in to gmail and see someones name in the inbox. There were alot of days when that was all i had to look forward to.

Anyways enough ranting, for any of my friends wondering, I have about 4-5 weeks left until wheels up out of Iraq (then another 3-4 weeks til i get out of the military and get home), so I am good to go. Got the countdown going already lol, I am starting to get excited and anxious, at times it felt like I would never leave here lol. I also will sneak home some free oil n gas for the nyspeed community. :snky:

i get out at least 5-emails a week to ya bro. everytime i sit and think i got 10-more mins to sleep in or write mike an e-mail i put my self in your position and get outta bed and shoot ya 1 out :slight_smile:

and like wifey and skunk said all i talk about recently is you coming home and the fun were going to have. Soon enough this will all be over with

I :heart: Joo

I think your new custom title should be “Emotional Sand Bitch” j/k :stuck_out_tongue: