Graduating from college...

So I cried tonight for the first time in years, thinking about all the nonsense we’ve gone through over the past 4 years, and how everyone’s going their seperate ways now to different states, who knows when we’ll all meet up again…
Saturday morning I get my BS from canisius, and then leave my closest friends for the last 4 years, for the most part forever.
So who here lived on campus and had a rough goodbye, and how did it work out for you? Where are they now?

Goodbyes do suck but doesn’t mean you can’t keep in touch and visit them from time to time. I know thats what I’ll be doing. So ends another time in your life. Time to get a good paying job and make more new friends.


but doesn’t mean you can’t keep in touch and visit them from time to time


That’s a lot easier said. Sadly (or gladly), you WILL move on, and like you said, another chapter will begin.

talk about a new chapter of friends and life sounds like fiction but when it happens the transition happens you’ll know, and just know its comming.

Its a big transition, you will find out who your real friends are.

I didnt cry, im no pussy hahaha just kidding bro. I think I was happy to start something new.

Your good friends will keep in touch, even if its just a random email now and then. I have been out of college since 99 and I still talk to my good college friends often even though some of them moved to the other side of the country. We get together at random times when they come to buffalo, and I have made a few trips out to see them.

i got together with about 10 of my good college friends this last new years after not seeing each other for 3 years. Just swap emails with them and you should be able to keep in touch. Just dont get creepy and email everyone once a week.

edit: holy shit its been 3 yrs since i graduated, damn that went fast!

that was very hard to say goodbye from friends. I remeber when I graduated from HS, lost touch with many of those friends, went to the community college, made all new friends, graduated from there, lost touch with many of those friends, then went to the four year college as a transfer, made all new friends yet again, then graduated from there and lost touch with many of those friends. Its life though. You WILL move on and meet all new friends, and keep in touch with your REAL friends from college and HS. Think about it as this, you will find all new friends and at the same time still have your other friends jsut a phone call away. Keep your spirits up and think about you new adventures to come.

it’s very much like graduating high school as far as friends are concerned. You’ll keep tabs with the close ones, otherwise… you’ll likely never see the others again.

quite crying you pussy.

You’re going to have to work hard to keep in touch. The true friends are the ones who will also work hard to keep in touch with you. 2 of my best friends live in Rochester so that’s not bad, and one lives in DC. We’re getting together tomorrow for some good old fashioned drunken shenanigans. :tup:

EDIT: But yeah, it’s sad. There’s nothing quite like living with your best buddies when your primary, if not only, responsibility is school. Just keep the memories, and put in the effort to keep in touch.


this thread just screams for razor blades

Well…congrats on graduating man. It is rough. I just finished my first year at GCC and alot of my friends I had made up there were in their second so I will never see them again. Kindof really sucks but eh…thats life.

so maybe the dozen or so drinks at our goodbye celebration downtown had something to do with a little extra emotionality out of everyone…
or maybe it was the girls all crying their eyes out.
that shit is contagious when you’re drinking.

Anyway, I was sort of pumped to leave HS because we were all going on to something better but sleeping til noon every day > working.

it is so much worse than you think

in part because you do move on and find other friends. i hate being away from my friends from college. to the point that i think a 7 hour drive is close, and is worth it for only a day hanging out. everyone is different of course, but i honestly know that with exception to a few other people i have met around here i will never meet anyone like the friends i had in college. college is by far the stage in life where we grow the most…highschool aint got shit compared to college

:word: I flew to Chicago once a year when one of my buddies moved out there. Thankfully he moved back to Rochester recently. :tup:

You just can’t think about what you’re leaving behind. Nothing you can do about it so just rock on and work hard to keep in touch. Graduation = next stage in life. College was the best and worst 4 1/2 years of my life.


it is so much worse than you think

in part because you do move on and find other friends. i hate being away from my friends from college. to the point that i think a 7 hour drive is close, and is worth it for only a day hanging out. everyone is different of course, but i honestly know that with exception to a few other people i have met around here i will never meet anyone like the friends i had in college. college is by far the stage in life where we grow the most…highschool aint got shit compared to college


its ok, you found me.


its ok, you found me.


aw, you are right bud. nothing makes feel better about missing my friends from college more than cuddling with you…sitting in your big strong embra…ugh fuck. thats 2 pairs of underwear today! dammit

^ :lol:

leaving college friends and leaving high school friends was only slightly different yet more intense.

When hugging the females goodbye i had to whisper my apologies having a sexcapde with them while they were sleeping… i don’t recall doing that in high school. The Goodbye was kinda like that awkwardly quiet hug you have when at someone’s wake or funeral, except this time…they have herpes.

lol at audios

i just graduated, but never lived on campus and moved away the day after graduation. I said my goodbyes to the girls i met at graduation- but because if facebook- we are forever friends. :slight_smile: