Graduating from college...

Man i’ve changed states 3 times in the last 2 years I keep starting over fresh with new people and its hard at first but its new and exciting at the same time. The people I went to school with that were my close friends I still talk to every week. I don’t get to see them very often but we still keep in touch.

did you at least have goodbye sex with everyone?

well, i never really made friends on college, partly because i live off campus, but mostly because all of the people i’ve been friends with since like 1st grade or before stayed here (with the exception of a couple) and they are still the people i hang out with all the time. but yes, when the time does come, i can understand how difficult it will be.

ok comm college people are exempt from this thread. esp if you live at home

esp if you bought a dump truck to save teh $$


did you at least have goodbye sex with everyone?


only 1 so far, theres like 3 more targeted between now and sunday morning, we’ll see what i can do