How much money would you have to lay out? Do you have any money? Having just moved and started a new job, I’d assume you’ve depleted a bit of your monetary supplies. You’d be retarded to put yourself in a rough financial position for this.
wtf? did you turn into a nigerian scammer overnight? what’s with the broken influence?
no AutoExe for home?
from what i gathered, if you have the money to front for this, i’d do it.
Well lets answer this with a little survey:
Is this your daily driver?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions on this survey, then do not heavily mod your car.
I just don’t get what you are saying exactly. And what quality are the parts. If they are solid, then yes.
this is stupid if it is your daily, that is all, also if you can’t afford to break something than you shouldn’t do it