Should i sell the ///M?

whoa, accurate metaphor :tup:

Owing money on a car that depreciates in value = the suck

Owing money on a house that can appreciate all whilst having equity as well = the win

Yeah, you only live life once, but you’re not a kid no more, it’s not like your fucking car right now isn’t nice.

How many 22 year old own M3s or any sort? Not many.

Alas, it is your choice, I don’t give a shit if it’s SMG or not, it’s a nice car, and you’re probably going to “get tired of it” in less than 2 years anyway so just buy it.

It’s not like you’re going to track it or anything =)

Also, listen to the voices or reason…

not that I know the financial status of everyone who posted in this thread…

but look at who is telling you to think twice about it…

hahahah…yea that was funny… ass :stuck_out_tongue:

howie…you are very true.

all in all, i can see people’s point and yes i do have to realize that it might tbe a bad time since i am moving soon.

eh… i’ll see what happens.

1 … i hate you

2 … you wanna donate your car to me? :stuck_out_tongue:


thanks :slight_smile:

  1. i love you :hay:

  2. im pregnant :uhh:

  3. its yours :snky:

  4. time for teh minivan :eekdance:

ROFL :lol:


OMG…how did I miss this thread!!! I noticed you haven’t mentioned how good of a deal you can get on the E46 M3. :snky: So just think about what YOU would like to do and obviously weigh out all your options, test drive, price, etc. I must say the E46 is a sweet ass ride. Now come back over to my desk and tell me exactly how good of a deal you can get. :wink:

OH, so you exclude the WS6? Hater!:2fingers:

Have you driven both the 6 speed and smg? I think the 6 is a lot of fun. The SMG is fast, but I think more of a novelty in the sense of practicality of everyday use.