Should i sell the ///M?

There’s nothing to “prove.” It’s due to the nature of the system. To gain some refinement and make it perform like an automatic, the system slips the clutch a bit more from a stand-still. You trade diminished clutch longevity for refinement. Looking at Ferrari and Maserati’s claims for life expectancy of their clutches it’s about twenty thousand miles per clutch. I don’t know what BMW rates their the life expectancy for the SMG II gearboxes at, but I’m willing to bet it is much shorter than their manuals.

Although this is relative. I’m sure people with regular manual M3’s do not drive their cars very nicely, anyway.

See, but I’d love to be able to left foot brake all day long in RL like I do in GT4… That’s the biggest benefit, IMO. Other than that, I agree, I’d rather row my own.

So WTF is that? :gotme:

Oh yeah, and I vote keep the M you’ve got and actually use it for its intended purpose. MOTORSPORTS.

So WTF is that? :gotme:

Do you rent?
Do you have high interest debt like credit cards?
Are you lacking a retirement fund?

If you answer yes to any of those you’d be a financial fool to buy a $30-40k car. The previously mentioned payment <10% of your gross income is a good rule to figure out if you could, but not if you SHOULD.

I personally will never finance a car over $20,000. It’s OK to finance necessities like a home or a good reliable car, but a “nice” car is a luxury. There are plenty of “good” cars under $20,000 but if I have to finance something to gain a luxury then I can’t afford it.

But anyhow, yeah the E46 M3 is hot. I personally would rather change gears and manipulate a clutch pedal, but to each his own.

OT, but my values precisely :tup:

Seriously. If you want to dig yourself a hole you wont be able to get out of so you can hang with your tekademic boyfriends, then grow a sack and finance a little more and get a used 911 turbo…

Your M3 is nice. I vote keep it. Get financially secure. Buy said ill car in a few years. Dont worry the sackriders will still be around then too…

you know I love you :kiss:

edit: i only posted that because that is my own personal rationale for not going into debt for a horrible investment. I will only go into debt for something that will pay off. Arent you mister real estate agent? Do something with that. You would be a complete fool not to be investing now. The longer you wait to put your money to use, the less youll make in the long run. Im avoiding debt at all costs. I intend to be in a very secure position in about 20 years, then ill buy whatever the fuck I want…

no. and i am officially done with Skunk threads that startout with…“should i…”

now i’m just waiting for you to say “shut the fuck up, you peice of shit, ____________________ (<------ insert horrible comeback there)”

beck…ur an idiot :slight_smile:


a lot of people bash in this thread. seriously… go take the time and read about SMG II. I was surprised at the things it can do…i was also impressed.

again… if i can get the deal i think i can get…then i will get it. But we will see

quote from daN (91eclipsegs on ubrf) who is working as a tech at a dealership after UTI and STEP:

“yea I’ve looked into the SMG. that’s gonna be making me a lot of money in the near future when they all keep breaking down.”

I love these “should I” threads,it reminds me of the price is right when a contestant looks to the crowd for help and they’re all shouting different things.

Do whatever YOU want to do.Write out the pros and cons of buying it,it’ll help you decide.

keep what you got. they’re only gonna get cheaper so if you are still dead set on one in a couple of months, then jump. that’s a real nice car you already have… :gotme:

I was just thinking about this - how much of a PITA are these to work on?



sounds like you answered your own question about SMG… who cares what we think?

Aaron, have you driven the SMG yet?

What are you seeing for prices on the E46’s? I thought about retiring the SRT-4 and going with something thats a little more of a cruiser. The only thing that is setting me back is the power loss, and the expensive maintenance for a bimmer.

Skunk listen to me…I know an E46 would be uber hot…but wait save some more money…dude I am saying this as a friend wait til u get to Tampa and realize its more expensive to buy stuff…ur car is great i would kill for it…

That’s true, I forgot about you moving. I would agree, hold off till you are established and settled in, in Tampa.

as a good friend of his i just dont want him to get in the debt i did and struggle for a while

As I said on main street, don’t sell it!