Should NYspeed have a main page?

yeah defenitly, it only makes sense, start off, with a main page, first on the top, have a bar under that with options like, fourm, images, maby “the cars of” links and maby a ROTM, or featered car. Under that have announcments, maby a meet scedual, and some pics of top nyspeed cars, Ex josh’s Z, newmans elise, whatever. its very possable and I’d really like to see somthin like the materilize, idk who would take on the responsibility of doing this but it would be awsome if somone did, as you enter our sit it comes of kinda sloppy when it just straight ot the fourm. Here is a great exaple, is b20 I’m sure som of you have seen it before, but it is a great example of what we should try to accomplish with nyspeed.
