Should NYspeed have a main page?

A few of us were just discussing this at the show right now. We see a lot of people taking the NYspeed flyers here, and it seems like we have been growing for quite sometime now, and will probably just get bigger.

So why not have a main page when you go to nyspeed. Some ideas for the page would be having upcoming events (track days, shows, bbq’s etc.), which would then eliminate the use of the announcements sections… organization information (what we are about…ie. mission statement), events attended (with pics and what not), members rides and probably much much more.

Post up ideas and feedback. The reason for this idea is because there are young and old people taking these flyers, and im sure they dont want to just see a forum when they visit the site for the first time.

A must I feel. I think it will make the site much easier to use and have easy to find announcements.


there could be a vendor page on the main page redirecting them to the vendor’s sites and what not…

just another idea

what if there was like a deal of the day, like something that a person is selling on the site

this has been discussed before, but never materializes.

i agree it has… but i think it would just be a better layout of the site as we grow

I fully agree and have for a long time. I think that with the speed “the speed” is growing at we are foolish to not have a main page. Right now it is just a splash screen that says nothing about the forums or the people or what this place is all about!

definately a good idea the site can be sort of a bitch to use at times. it would make navigation much easier.

yea, it is nice to have a homepage i think, all though more work for administrators to run it.

it would allow for the site to have more initial draw to grow, however is that even what the site is here for ?

yeah defenitly, it only makes sense, start off, with a main page, first on the top, have a bar under that with options like, fourm, images, maby “the cars of” links and maby a ROTM, or featered car. Under that have announcments, maby a meet scedual, and some pics of top nyspeed cars, Ex josh’s Z, newmans elise, whatever. its very possable and I’d really like to see somthin like the materilize, idk who would take on the responsibility of doing this but it would be awsome if somone did, as you enter our sit it comes of kinda sloppy when it just straight ot the fourm. Here is a great exaple, is b20 I’m sure som of you have seen it before, but it is a great example of what we should try to accomplish with nyspeed.


bad idea

Oki silly doki yo. Im an idiot.

I saw nah.

Why ?

I dont think its a bad Idea to turn nyspeed into more of a car club/organization, opposted to just a discussion fourm that talks about wanting nudes of dawn all day, dont get me wrong that stuff is great and is needed but there could be more.

i like the idea, esp with all the events that happen thru the year. I think that all the site sponsors should get some kind of advertising banner/link on the mainpage.But on the back of the dvd it clearly states that we arent a car club silly noob? So would this be a re-structuring of sorts?

agreed, my bad I guess, then reconstruction it is.

To make it easy, we could just use a CMS (Content Management System) for vB like many other sites out there use.

It keeps the forum connected to the homepage well, and doesn’t require much work to create other than installing a vBulletin modification and adding a few static pages. Something like vB-advanced or something like that.

:tup: Seems like a great idea.

nah, keep it going by word of mouth

I’m just really impressed Aaron made a decent thread that wasn’t about being gay or code red mountain dew :kisses: .I vote no main page