Should NYspeed have a main page?


I’m just really impressed Aaron made a decent thread that wasn’t about being gay or code red mountain dew :kisses: .I vote no main page


mountain dew = dos

and a main page would blow. More crap I would have to nagivate through to get to the forum…


mountain dew = dos

and a main page would blow. More crap I would have to nagivate through to get to the forum…



i vote no

i vote yes

for all you people complaining about having to “navigate through more crap” all your gonna do is click the forum link, wow that takes alot of thought/time! :bloated:

a lot of you guys really don’t understand the idea here.

the people in toronto this weekend will get it…

ill say it again… we are expanding like crazy with word of mouth and flyers at shows… that’s fine

but people see us, ask us what we do etc… they go to nyspeed… and all they see it a forum?.. i figured they would want to see more.

Front page is a great idea for all the reasons Aaron listed and more. If and when that comes, you bookmark /forums, you will never see the front page anyway.

Well that’s an easier way of saying what I meant, I think nyspeed should be more than just a discussion forum, hence the need for expansion and organization.

i agree…we went thru alot of cards and I think people that were at TO will atleast check us out and it would be nice to have them look at something other than off-topic threads

Right, like I said 1320 is a great Ex of what we should try to do, it looks so much better and your right people who know nyspeed from shows or meets wont really understand just going to a fourm.


yes for sure

the only reason to turn a message board into something more than a message board is to run it as a business.

but sure go ahead and make a front page…it’ll probably show up as soon as banners do

It’d be cool to have a main page with photos, announcements and what’s happening type shit.

yep… we need it, kind of like ubrf’s old one too…

ubrf had a main page? I thought the site started at :wink:

A main page is probably a good idea. I’m still going to keep my favorite pointing at so I’ll never see it anyway, same as over at ubrf.

I agree with a main page, as growth comes it would be a necessity, as well as eliminating some little/unused parts of the forum.

For those thinking it would take extra steps to get to the forum, you suck at the internet. Just set your favorites/homepage/link to go right to the forum part.

As it is, it’s very difficult to determine exactly what is done here unless you sign up. And a lot of people are reluctant to register for something they know nothing of.

And who knows, maybe if the main page explained this was an automotive forum we’d stop getting people who don’t even have a car. Wishful thinking I know.

Not to mention that by the majority of threads here a day, one cannot even tell it is an automotive based forums.


And who knows, maybe if the main page explained this was an automotive forum we’d stop getting people who don’t even have a car. Wishful thinking I know.


You’re so silly. :mamoru: