FRONT PAGE - a cool front page (direct link to instead of going straight to the forums) that could have a calender, that RSS stuff dozer was talking about, a section for automotive related news, and maybe something cool like “Car of the Month” or something, just a random choice of a member’s car (chosen by mods or popular vote?). Also maybe we could imbed (is that a word) the integrated IRC chat thing there?
LINKS PAGE - somewhere where all the advertiser links are static. So that way I don’t have to play “banner roulette” with the IE refresh button when I forget a phone number.
i like it…good thinking…with all of it…make it good :tup:
calander on the front…with worthy events on it and the randomly selected MOTM ( =member of the month. i made that up now, we can use that and theres my input to all of this)
ugh… i hate forums like that… you have to load up a page… then click a link on that page to load up the forum…
not a problem on my comp because I can just add the forum addy to my favs… but on other comps that are slow as shit… ie. my gf’s laptop… just link from the forum to the other page… not the other way around… most of us are here for the forum… not the front page… but if you want to see it then theres the link…