Show n' Go results...

sean u dont have the balls

I will buy a 100 dollar car and bury it half way into your front yard


Yea at least you can use it as a flower planter

reading your posts make me feel dumb.

At least I haz no spelling errors

shut ur whoooare mouth!

Best of luck with your yard

i hope u value ur life, u whooooare!

Nah its not worth much right now

Dual SMIC + Meth FTW!

When you go GT… I have a fueling/tuning guy for you :thumbup

me too. their off the shelf 1000cc file went 9.54 sunday
their GT S4 kit is trapping like 126 on pump gas.

i call BS!

you can call whatever you want. facts are facts bud 11.55 @ 126.9 on pump, stock engine Tial GT28 kit

video of the 9.54 pass from sunday

[COLOR=black]these guys went 9.54 @ 147 sunday with a stock ecu, utilizing a 1000cc injector file. [/COLOR]

im just fuckin wit ya… i believe ya. i just wanted to see wat you would post

oh and it looks like you spent way too much time proving me wrong and you right

nah didnt spend much time at all, i just dont appreciate people who know nothing about the platform calling me out.

oh stop!!! its not that i know nothing i just wanted to see wat would happen. im much more educated in many areas than you think


whatever. just ease up with the call outs.