Show off your Car!

I should be getting some nice pics soon :slight_smile:

HAHA I love the wood steering wheel! real classy!

i dream about her at night ='[ so beatifull, and this means this fall u have to help me with my SR swap lol

Well that’s kinda freaky!

But yeah sure, i’ll see where I can help with your SR swap.

lol ur car is at the point where i want mine. but urs is red and mines black lol

and thanks! this fall im thinking sr or rb.

Mike Gentile is your friend? hrm guess to good of a friend to tell you how he sold his car on ebay for $16,000 over a year ago…

heres a link to his pics and write ups.

DOnt you guys have msn or somethin, or pm… this thread is for pics of cars. I dont mean to be a prick but try to keep the thread about the original topic.

ahhh HCI

i knew i recognized that thing…

this car competes with Glenn Nakata’s for the benchmark in s13 coupe cleanlinesssss

lets play spot the liar . its too bad that car was build by drift unit. and the drivers name is mike. good try tho.

This is my car… it should have an RB26DETT in it by the end of this week.

SR and KA-T guys… watch out.

Picked up this manifold for it too


Lie like a rug:
To lie (tell a falsehood); to lie through one’s teeth. A pun on lying down, as a rug does.

The same deffinition goes for the name Marc.

mark, thats wicked congrats on the rb26

how come your manifold is separated in 2 parts where it meets the turbo? what the hell is that?

It’s a TWIN turbo… duh!
They must be making twin turbos that are cast together now. Space and heat efficiency no doubt!

I have nothing to say… I knew Mike though. Believe it or not….but I don’t really care what anyone on here thinks. However, I though I would show you people what a good looking 240 looks like. Considering everyone on this website seems to have trouble understanding this concept. Maybe if you boys stopped researching people’s lies, defining common metaphors and focused on school and I don’t know…. got good paying jobs? Maybe yours can look like that one. Hahaha can’t wait to read your responses! Keep me posted! That’s all for now!

Max, oh man - you pwnt me hard :frowning:

How could I have forgotton that RB26 is twin turbo - obviously thats why there is two ports on the manifold… 3 cylindars for each turbo and one wastegate for each turbo - duh.

yea this is mine. Its not a mr 240 type deal but i like it just the same

heheh :slight_smile:

^ yo do u live around runnymde and st.clair

Thats my school parking lot up in Caledon, Ontario…no I don’t.

my daily i love her she treats me well :slight_smile:

she will be up for sale mid april tho, back to hatchbacks!