Show or Go?


here we go I;m going to play devils advocate…

Why would you only have two choices since there are people who do both.

So I think this thread should be deleted due to the “potential” of it causing drama since this is a car enthusiest board and there are people from both sides.

ur the only one taking it that way!

no I’m saying it has POTENTIAL so should be deleted immediatly…

I;m not posting my feelings between show or go.

I’ll wait for som other person to post that is new and takes the “ball busting” the wrong way and it turns to shit.

i like a little show, but more go! :slight_smile:

go…if i liked show…i would have fixed my dent by now…

but that is in the future…but i also want to paint the car sliver…is that show??

A little of both never hurt!

GO but my car is slow in a straight line so i cant really do much about it. and a good looking clean car is always nice.

its all about Go…everything looks good at a blur.

if I cared about show I wouldn’t have spray painted my bumper

can u go blur speed?

Go > Show

having a fast looking car that will get smoked by minivans is fucking worthless. Im not against show (and by show I dont mean rice). Theres nothing wrong with having a nice looking car, its just that 99% of what people think is nice is actually horribly ugly and gaudy. Clean, subtle improvements. Lowered, a nice set of rims, a nice shiny exhaust, clear out some ugly amber lenses, maybe a tasteful lip kit. Anything more is trying too hard.

put one of these in it

is that a whipple?

no, it’s an eaton (ported though ;))

still havent installed anything drastic yet, until I hear from my insurance company about my rear end. Only made a few changes that worked out well over winter. (I think there was left over damage from my accident back in august)

edit: this is a whipple

since i have a v6 fbody go really isn’t one of my priorities so any extra cash i have i try to make my car look good since there isn’t much go…yet

thats alot of motor :bigok:

it’s all show and no go

I voted “go”. But, my truck will get body work done first and get all “pretty” before I touch the motor. The engine in there now runs fine, but the body is falling apart so I need to take care of that first if I am going to keep it.

If I had something that had a descent body, I would most definately build the motor first, which is why I voted “go”

i think its…everything looks better in slow motion