Show or Go?

What are you into?

We all know “go” is the respectable answer, but some people are more concerned with show, and if that’s their thing, more power to them.

So… would you rather have a quick car that looks completely stock, or a stock performing car with all the ‘eye candy’ you want?

i have made my attempts at the “GO”, right now i just don’t have the pocket book for it. I will wait to save up money to have Jay build me a 240 for Road racing. till then i am all about the daily driver and having it look decent and handle decent.

refer to my name.

how about trying for them both?

ok, but which takes priority?

Whichever needs increased to match the other at the time of product purchase… :dunno:

Well I will go ahead and admit that w/ the Z I am into the “show” and “eyecandy” and I’ll be the first to vote show…don’t get me wrong, I have a fair amount of performance mods going on (listed in the garage) but I really really wanted to go FI, preferrable TT…well the VQ35DE is not doing very well w/ forced induction. You would not believe the number of ppl who are blowing engines left and right in the 350Z world of tuners. I mean dozens and dozens…to do this to the VQ35DE you need to build up the bottom end of this engine, forged internals etc etc etc, basically to the tune of OH about $15K or so, not just the $6K for the TT, and not to mention the install (don’t think I could install a TT even tho I have done all the work on the Z). And somehow, people on the Z boards continue to install SC and TT and even drive them UNTUNED and boom, windows in the blocks…total engine rebuild $20K +++ so, I think I will stick w/ show for now…I like my Z!


if i had $10k, $9995 would go into performance, and $5 would go into show (armor all + windex)

put an LS1 in it!!!

:blue: :blue: :blue: Got a big ass shoe horn??? LOL

i feel the same way blazed does.Although my car doesn’t have 500 or 600 hp, when i first bought it I felt that the suspension and brakes were not up to par with the power, so i chose to upgrade them first, now that i’m almost completely done with the suspension, i will start adding some power to it. Looks are important to cus that is wut gets the looks from the ladies :naughty:. Its all about a well balanced car, I like having a car that is a jack of all trades instead of being a one trick pony.

Most people don’t need that much for a decently performing car :blue:

But if I’m forced to choose one hypothetically I’d choose show, just because I don’t know as much as I’d like to about the GO.

if it’ll fit in an RX7, it’ll fit in a 350Z.


but its always good to have some nice wheels and some tint, thats about it for me

You would be surprised how cramped that engine bay is…waaaaaaaay smaller than the 300ZX’s…great, just what I need to be thinking of now, my husband will hunt you down when I whisper engine swap??? and then run away like a little girl hahaha

you could do an sr20det swap in it like Chris Forsberg’s D1GP 350z

that car is titties!!!
