show or more go?

well folks, i’m at a crossroads. this winter i either want to get a bigger turbo/better intercooler for the rb20. or make the stockness of my car dissapear with a silvia front end conversion.

which way should i go?

Go… show is just show… cmon I’m all go LoL… i need show :frowning:

Turbo obviously, who cares what it looks like

More go ftmfw!

baaaaaaaaaaSSSSSHHHHHHH PFFF (broken neck) baaaSHHHHHHHHHHH > “ooh, that looks nice”

Yea :S :confused: ? lol

you dont even need a bumper aslong as you have a big fmic

if you put a silvia front on a hatch, it doesnt matter how much power you make because your car will look retarded… lol

Woah Woah Woah, Thats just out of line.

Show = homo

Yea show is a guy, and definitely likes other guy show.

^LOL could be a lesbian…

That’s a really sexy sil80 :smiley:

Could be, Could be…

Like I said Go is better then show, but having a clean car is nice too.

I just washed mine in the freezing cold, and its hard to type now lol

We Love Lesbians:p

Go all the way. Unless the car is ugly,

I’m all for lesbos… Unless there ugly

both ! don’t be like every other kid on this forum - look good and go fast!

^Agreed, too many beater looking cars all over the place. Are you happy with how much power you have now? If not, get go, if you are, then get show.

" i live my life a 1/4 mile at a time, for those 10 seconds or less nothing else matters " … i say go turbo worry about looks after your fast.

I just want my car to run but ya I suggest chad’s thing. Sil80 doesn’t even look the best IMO just get a nice suspension setup and wheels and it will go DOPE with your rb20…which is already a GO item.