Shower heads

Well, I need a new shower head.

What you guys use?

The kind with lots of little holes for the water to come out of

Take it out of the package and use a pair of needle nose pliers to pull the green US spec water limiter out. It snaps out with amazing ease and is clearly visible looking at the end that threads onto your existing pipe. Throw little green environment saver in the trash, install shower head as normal.

Every single person who stays over at my place and uses the shower asks me about that shower head… it’s just that good. I’ve sold 5 of them with my “mod” instructions in the last year just from people who go, “I have to have one of those”.

One warning though. If you have a lot of people using the shower you will run out of hot water.

could always get one like Micah’s…

I bought one of those huge rainshower type deals. It sucks, feels like I am just being rained on, and that really isn’t my idea of a good shower. It looks sweet. :gotme:


Take it off and see if there is a restrictor that can be easily removed. Generally they build these the same for every country then just slap a little plastic piece to stop 90% of the water flow so it meets the stupid US regs. Because of the afterthought design of the restrictor it’s usually very easy to remove.

shower head :tup:

I would invest in one with the handle that comes off. I hate how they look but the girl loves it.

$10-12 @ the Depot, put one in every apt i’ve been in and just leave em when i leave… first mod to the new house when i moved in.

I did that, it doesn’t help. By design it’s supposed to piss water, not spray.

One of my friend’s has this at his vacation home:

The little hole are adjustable jets. Seriously the best shower ever. Granted at $1100 it should be.

i pay skunkape to pour bottled water over my head

Don’t get those $40 water saving ones. Shit feels like needles.

I got a really nice adjustable one a Target for like $20.

eh…its good money

LOL fifty

i like those shower heads that stream straight down

I’m with you on that. I’ve always used these ever since I ganked one out of the showers up in Ft.Drum…:scott:

This is ours…love it. Delta Dryden Monitor 17T Series

But the Delta Arzo Series is pretty kick ass too…


that and rip out the restricter plate, this is the shower, not NASCAR.

I want one like they use for circus elephants, high pressure. I live in an older house in Village of Lancaster(glamorous, i know) need pressure!! any experience?