Shredd & Ragan Summit Mall cruise in the news


:tup: to mid day entertainment…


thats some good reading right there :lol:

who posted this

I need NOS, two of the big ones… and Harry, I need them by tonight…

F&F stylezzzz y0!

But really the burn out pit is the least of the worries, have you ever seen the garbage they let in to the “tuner” section. I swear to God there was a blue neon with a shark tooth hood, ugliest piece of ghetto trash on earth, second to that hot pink cavalier, but they turn away cars like evos because they dont have huge aluminum wings and bodykits.
But hey thats just my .02

They need to hire somebody new to pick what is allowed in and what isnt.

finally! after watching all of that unfold, I found the perfect time to jump in with a little one liner. ahhhh made my day.

Call the Whaaambulance… :slight_smile:


finally! after watching all of that unfold, I found the perfect time to jump in with a little one liner. ahhhh made my day.

Call the Whaaambulance… :slight_smile:


And he strikes… :snky:


They just need to move the thing.


negative… REASON. they need that to keep that mall alive :lol: it generates NO revenue whatsoever.

it has 5 stores out of what looks to be like it can have over 75

just posted

Having a very nice car of my own and hearing the damage that happens to peoples cars at this show i tend to show up and not bring my good car for fear of people like christina getting their white trashyness on my car. I feel for the people that have to deal with the cars and these type of people that feel like they have the right to drive like idiots out of the show and deal with the morons like our friend chistina that has the mouth of a sailor. and christina fyi im 28 have a very good job and a $31,000 car that i paid for so feel free to make jabs at me but im not feeding off any system and i am paying for your future 12 children to go to school.

ok so i went to this for the first time tonight, what a shithole!!!

how many 15 year old pregnant chicks can one stand to look at?

how many ricers can fit in one area?

at least there were some nice bikes and muscle cars, but fuck that shithole, never again

wow they where I figured the cahnce a rain would keep em all in, guess not.


WHEATFIELD: Board orders shut-down of burnout pit
A summer attraction in Wheatfield that draws both crowds and complaints from neighbors was ordered to be shut down by the Niagara County Board of Health on Thursday.

Staff from the county’s Health Department informed the board that toxic levels of carbon monoxide at the site and fumes that travel wherever the wind blows are created every Wednesday when a tire burnout pit is held in the parking lot of The Summit in Wheatfield.

But organizers of Shredd and Ragan’s Cruise Night and Wheatfield Supervisor Timothy Demler said they were not told of the county’s concerns and didn’t know a decision was being made.

A letter will be sent to The Summit and if the property owner chooses not to comply with the shutdown order immediately, a hearing will be held within 15 days.

Health Department Director Daniel Stapleton will make a decision regarding what should happen with the pit based on evidence presented at the hearing.

“We love the idea of the cruise,” said Peter Green, marketing director of the Summit, adding that the event is well-run but knows the burn-out pit has been a point of contention.

Green, who wasn’t aware of the board’s meeting, did not know Thursday whether the mall would request a hearing or comply immediately, noting the mall takes seriously a charge that the event is impacting the health of neighbors and cruise show attenders.

Cruise night organizer Kathy Paradowski also didn’t know about Thursday’s board meeting and said the last she had heard, the fumes weren’t toxic.

She didn’t think the cruise night would suffer if the pit was removed, noting that disc jockeys Shredd and Ragan draw a crowd wherever they go.

The Health Department had asked that fans be put onsite to mitigate the heavy smoke the burnout pit creates but they have not done enough, according to Environmental Health Director James DeVald.

In the pit, tires are spun so they burn. They are not set on fire, however thick smoke is created.

When told about what goes on there, Board of Health member Dr. Thomas Hughes asked, “Who thinks up these things?” before making a motion to shut down the pit.

A county sanatarian, Joe Baronich, told the board that carbon monoxide readings at the pit are over 15 times the level that would cause concern in a house.

When the event started in 2005, just one complaint was submitted to the board.

At Wednesday’s event, the board received just one complaint as well.

The number of complaints the county receives depends heavily on which way the wind blows, and how strong it’s blowing.

In the past, over 1,200 houses have been affected.

Demler didn’t know about Thursday’s decision and said that he received a letter two weeks ago from the Health Department saying the burnout pit was a nuisance but not a health threat.

“They have not asked for our input,” Demler said. “We’ll work with anyone. We don’t like being excluded.”

I added my own little bit under “Christina is an idiot”

It might be even more entertaining than the Baby Blue Crew…

We need to get this Evolution group on nyspeed. Hah

Haha, she spelled before, as “Befour”

ahaha this is going again… :tspry:

thanks for the mid day entertainment

The bash thread is still alive on the news page.
And more on the burnout pit controversy

And my rebuttal to the bitchy old people across the street that say the smoke heads there every week.

I was curious to see which way the wind blows…
So here they are for each week

5/23/07 - Blew towards the mall and tuners

5/30/07 - Blew towards the mall and tuners (again)

6/6/07 - Blew towards the mall and tuners (yet again)

6/13/07 - No pics from burnout. I’m going to go with the laws of average and say it blew… towards the mall and tuners.

6/20/07 - Oh snap, going towards the mall. I don’t believe it
(a shot from the back of the pit showing the 2 fans behind the pit, pushing the smoke towards the mall)

6/27/07 - Incredible. I was actually able to stand behind the truck where there is usually tons of smoke, yet I remained untouched by it’s evil nature. I bet you that you can smell those pine tree air fresheners in the apartments across the street at this rate.

/rant. The people across the street have nothing to complain about for 2007. If I need to, we’ll find pics from 6/13/07 and I’m sure the smoke is heading towards the mall.


They just need to move the thing.


no shit… was a much better time when it was at runwayz and lancaster

I was gonna say…since the lockport mall is closed up have it there, but it would end up being the same crowd. I think they need to find a location in the middle of a field.


I was gonna say…since the lockport mall is closed up have it there, but it would end up being the same crowd. I think they need to find a location in the middle of a field.


I’m not driving out to Lockport. :lol:
I’d like to see it back at Lancaster. And then they could try to find a way around the racing and beer vendor issue they had. But then again, I’m hearing murmurs of issues at Lancaster from some people that aren’t good. Hopefully they are just rumors.

Lockport would be a horrible idea.Theres like 3 HUGE trailer parks right near it.Thats why i try to avoid going to Wal-Mart at all costs.

Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancaster!! If anyone has a call out, do it right then and there! (say, $20.00 bucks a car, we could bet!!) All the tickets, police, and B.S. would be settled right there & then. Not to mention possible crashes involving people going to Wilson Farms just to pick up some milk & bread!


Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancaster!! If anyone has a call out, do it right then and there! (say, $20.00 bucks a car, we could bet!!) All the tickets, police, and B.S. would be settled right there & then. Not to mention possible crashes involving people going to Wilson Farms just to pick up some milk & bread!


Umm you realize whats involved with insurance to have cars run down the track.

They did it before, why not go back, plus its close to my house.