Shutup about the iPhone already...

Ok, fag.

BES > you

You have no idea, 4 reelz y0

lol, I guess not?

PS - Sprint’s anti iPhone talking points are laughable: “Any music phone from Sprint lets you download songs instantly – out of thin air.” Gee, really? Sign me up for crappy low-bitrate mp3s I can download OTA. Right now! Get me on it! YEAAHH!!! (not)

If Apple came out with iShoes, Moffitt would own those too. So it’s ok Dave, we expect you to get one. At least take some photo’s of actual use.

I still think its too big. But to me a BB is too big…



shrug, all the other issues aside, a touch-screen only would piss me off with normal daily use.



And Symbian FTW. As soon as I can source an E90 that’s what I’ll be using.


it’s not designed for a corporate environment.

EDIT: :clap:

I will be intrested in seeing how hard they are to get at launch.

it will be like the PS3 i’m sure.


I’m just responding to his “BES sucks” part.

PS. we are sending an intern to go buy phones.

Do you want me to try to get one for you joey

i don’t understand what BES has to do with this at all. BES’s are for corporate environments right? this phone is for media nuts.

EDIT: tell your intern to get me an HTC Touch.

Anyone that thinks the plans are expensive is a moran.

It depends on what you want. If you are using the phone for pure data, waahoooo go pay 59.99 a month for EDGE data use.

If you want a phone you can actually use minutes on, then 59.99 for 400 minutes and 200 texts is a rip off and have fun with overages.

you spelling moron, moran, qualifies you as one too. :ham::clap::poke:


you are a moran. :clap:

I clicked Supraman’s link expecting a picture of Walter to have been added to the wikipedia article for moron.

What a let-down.