Sick S14 Race car

It’s from last year, so I’m hoping it’s not a repost.

Seen that car before (have some pics on my hard drive of it) – fucking sweet!

Ide love something like that haha,very nice.


but still nice

Yeah it’s a repost. I even thought that the car you posted might be exactly the one I was thinking of…and it was.

solid post by ahmed on page 16 too.
this retard is everywhere

how about THIS for an s14 race car?

probably could benefit from a rear diffuser(might have been added later on, just looked at the first page)

I love how he made up that we told him his wilwood brakes are overkill when this never even happened. I guess it was a way for him to try to show off his brakes. lol

jesus christ

haha, gotta love the British chaps on that forum! it’s hilarious just reading what they have to say about American roads and brakes haha!

Originally Posted by a_ahmed
I’m mixed East European who grew up in Europe, North Africa and North America in part, and I visited Middle-East… So I have a descent share of trusty roads I’ve embarked on I like quality and betterment, and I know it pays to play with cars lol… the only thing I really hate in North America is the shit quality roads and stupid traffic laws (then again UK has some pretty crappy ones for enthuasists, I like Germany for some reason hahahahaha hint hint).

I dunno, I look at everything objectively when it comes to building a car as all have some kind of made up stances in their minds. I like to take all factors in. I chose those brakes for overall bang for buck compared to most other BBKs kits plus brand new I was sick of dealing with used/rebuilding brakes.

What I do know however is that more mass/size = more weight usually, depends on materials but still. My brakes as in the pictures are actually very very light, I measured them a while back, they were about the same weight as 300zx alum if not lighter, my hands-memory is off now… but of course larger/bigger.

However I do also know another thing and that’s, your brakes are as good as your tires… otherwise they’ll just lock up.

What I also do know is that pads are the main determiner of braking torque generation, but the more aggressive, the more heat is generated, hence the need for larger rotors to cool them off… On the other hand larger rotors do not offer as much torque increase as pad friction… I’ve read into it, most do not know it but Infiniti Q45 calipers have more braking torque power than 300zx? I didn’t it know either until I read the specs.

So those lil elements always make me ponder…

And from my understanding more pistons just means more pressure equally distributed potentially more torque but not necessarily… there’s more factors… I’m a newb in this technical world, but I do think about these things…

isn’t a_ahmed’s car an auto KA? in which case… willwoods are overkill, or possibly just a nice step taken out of order…

Darian a_ahmed actually has a really badass car now believe it or not :wink:

good for him… he needed it to back up all the automotive oral diarrhea that comes out his mouth

lol courtesy of automatic taurus brakes racing

I heard Ahmed’s dad was Einstein, and thats how he knows so much.
and I also heard Michael Schumacher hired Ahmed to help build a brake setup for his race car.

Ahmed is a brake god, we should be paying for his knowledge that he bestows upon us.

This ahmed shit is getting old.

Who cares.

That looks like office space + llama not horse :stuck_out_tongue: