SICK SWAP PICS! Mensche Agre Dich Nicht!!

Ladies and gentlemen! At the risk of becoming somewhat of an automotive pariah, I present to you the concoctions of mad scientists of automotive cross-pollination.

Case 1.
3.0L 24valve Ford in an FB (1st gen RX-7)
According to it’s owner it lights up the tires in the 1st 3 gears and chirps 4th.


making new threads about your stupid ass swaps.

Weyll gOOooOOLLLeeeeeeee, thaat looks kinda purdy.

It actually looks pretty good in there, did you do this?

ps, I’d hope it would atleast chirp in 4th…

At least it’s not a rotary…

I really didn’t need to flip my monitor on it’s side. :squint: