Sierra Nevada Wheat Beer


…can’t believe I bought a whole case based on recommendation alone.

i like the heffenwisen - or however you spell it. very good wheat beer

which brand?

hefeweizen is a style, not a brand.

franziskaner is the fucking shit.

^ the wheat beer, not sure of the name, that is what the server brought to me. Served with a lemon, very good.

i like natty ice.

crystal weisen is my favorite kind of wheat beer

Wheat beer is disgusting. I’m not that picky when it comes to beer and I’ll drink almost anything, but NOT wheat beer.

Hoegaarden is pretty good Belgian-wheat, but it is expensive for a case of the stuff. I think I spent $40+tax for a case at the store.

For a cheaper, domestic wheat beer, I usually drink Blue Moon (made by Coors). It’s a little lighter than most wheat beers, but it’s not bad.

damn… i pay $32. and Hoegaarden is definitely one of the best.

I’ll drink Blue Moon if it’s a special and I’m at a bar, but I wouldn’t buy a case… too thick… and I hate when bartenders put citrus in it.

  • 23456

:yum: :yum: if you guys want to try a good beer, try DogFishHead 60, 90, or 120, that is if u like a hoppie beer.

I’m kinda shocked, because I like the three other Sierra Nevada products I’ve tried (porter, pale ale, “fall/october special beer”…forget the name right now).

For those that are not wheat beer fans, I’m curious what exactly turns you off about the weizen? Taste, smell, body, color, etc.?

The Pale Ale is good… The Wheat Beer doesn’t taste enough like a Belgian wheat beer… it has kind of an American quality to it… not sweet enough… almost tastes like an IPA with some wheat wafted over it.

sounds like sierra mist, cheap imitation of sprite :burnout:

i like miller lite. i drank yuengling porter. that shit was nasty dark.

ill stick to girly beers and captain

Captain is beautiful. Captain Morgan Tattoo and Coke tastes exactly like Dr Pepper.

Miller Lite is rough, but I’ll drink it on US Airlines flights (free in 1st Class). I wouldn’t PAY for any Miller beer though. If I’m drinking mass-brewed domestic, it’s going to be Rolling Rock… mmmmmaybe Yuengling Lager… or if I’m low on cash, I’ll pound Natty Ice until I time travel.

If you like “girly beers”, you’d probably like a lot of wheat beers. They tend to be a little sweeter than most beers… try a Hoegaarden the next time you’re at a TGI Fridays or North Park Clubhouse.

Guiness… :yum:

For those that are not wheat beer fans, I’m curious what exactly turns you off about the weizen? Taste, smell, body, color, etc.?

The taste…I can’t really describe it. It’s almost “sickly” tasting. Truly makes me want to vomit, and like I said, I drink just about anything else.

some weizens have a medicine taste. like blue moon and sometimes franziscaner’s dunkle wiezen.