: Sigh : Why can't the Travis insanity ever end? NASIOC scammer thread...

All about him and he doesnt care who he fucks over it seems.

He just got banned on UNYSOC thanks to Justin :rofl


as it seems ,i cant tottaly bash the kid he has helped me to a point ,i wish the kid would sit back and realize what he did and fix shit …but i guess ya got a better chance of seein god in the flesh than that happenin

good stuff :lmao

Not I.

I knew better. :shifty

all it comes down too is Karma

what people dish out, get it back in the end

Come on Travis, step up and sort this shit out.

Oh man…he did get banned on UNYSOC…LOL!

Somebody post the picture of his car burnt on the side of the road that night. Proof right there against any claim against anyone elses insurance that the fire started elsewhere.

He can’t report the car stolen against me as I have reciepts from Clarks Towing the Queensbury where I towed the car from, as well as a copy of the CC slip from whatever card was used by him to pay the storage balance @ Clarks. It would be a charge of filing a false police report and result in instant jail time. I’d call Trooper Sgt. J. Warner and have him make the visit in person.

The more I read here the more I feel uneasy about this now. I’m not saying he is going to do anything, but I’m no longer going to risk the potential issues if he tries. Nor would I want to waste my time defending myself against such claims, even though I have enough proof to lock it up in 10 minutes. Wasting my time is bad enough and pisses me off to no end, wasting it due to false accusations/claims and lying really fires me up. <---- Again, only IF it ever gets that far.

I called the lien holder, but they are closed for the weekend. According to NYS DMV as of ~1pm today the title has not been adjusted accordingly for the accident, a definitive sign that the lien holder/ins co. has not adjusted the car and made the claim for the value. Draw your own conclusions to that matter, I have my own.

At this point I’m just covering my bases and protecting my own ass here in a legal fashion.

The kid should report him for fraud to authorities to really put Failvis in a bind. Travis and all his cock talk in jail will make him the new princess in the showers :ahh

adam i have pics of the car on the northway and on fire on my cell phone i would post em up but if shit hit the fan ya best kno what side i would be on

Well he hasn’t helped me and that time i gave him the benefit of the doubt cause it could have helped me I got burnt, so I totally bash him for you. You are better peoples anyway and Ive met you once for a total of 5 minutes face time. lol.

+my bashing travis helps my post count it keeps me active. :rofl

here is one pic i got ,i can send the pix to someone in a text message form and have them post em up on here if need be as i dont know how

others will tell ya on here if your a friend or someone i know ill help ya as best i can ,and not hang it over your head:lol

He isn’t posting because he got caught red handed screwing someone. Kids got nerves calling people out being dirtbag number 1 himself. This is great that the kid on nasioc had the proof someone needed to bring down the curtain on this scumbag.

When it rains, it pours…

LOL, no shit thats how the world works. haha :rofl

LOL epic placement.

Charles can you believe this is the man you used to idolize? LOL i really cant i used to think he was cool too. Then… (Insert any scumbag steriotype here)

WTF. I never idolized him. I liked his car :rofl