: Sigh : Why can't the Travis insanity ever end? NASIOC scammer thread...

you had a gf ? :excited

give me the number i’ll co sign

Yeah they suck. I think its the smallest courtroom ever to. Did you have the guy judge who looks like a mouse or the lady one who could probly fit quarter rolls up her nostrils?

She’ll do you for it. Regularly.

I had Mickey Mouse. God is he a miserable old man.

paying for sex is illegal… but when it comes to loop-holes (lol) im game


dude rankin we gotta go out drinkin again but when are u leaving , wont be around when i get back ? and then ur movin down south

man i thought we were friends…

rofl he is wicked nice if your ID says you are from Duanesburg :wink: i got parking on the pavement there for speeding once, same as the lady in front of me. she had to pay 125 + court fees, and when i got there he charged me $35 no court fees. ahahahaha oh BTW if you don’t pay there and they give you the slip to mail the check in with the info… take a minute and notice that the checks get address right to the judge. hahaha Duanesburg is AWESOME.

failvis is fail.

Why is this term not in the dictionary yet?

www.urbandictionary.com ?

DO IT ! someone submit it ;d and idk if u can put a picture to but if so… :smiley:

I’ll do it gimme a few minutes.

submitted, prepare for epic.

A level of total life failure that is all enveloping. One can be known to be a failvis by not only repeatedly failing at life in almost any aspect, but also being totally incapable of admitting to one’s wrong doings, and genuinely not being able to understand what they are doing to cause such massive failure. Derived from the OG failboat himself, Travis Koch, combined with the verb Fail.
-“Hey did you hear Travis failed at committing suicide?”


-“Yeah he’s in the hospital right now telling the doctor’s how he’s not going to pay his medical bills because it wasn’t his fault he lived.”

-“What a fucking Failvis”

by bennyfizzle on Mar 24, 2009 tags: fail, scissor jacks, carbeque, travis koch, sti fire, fraud, failboat

link should be up shortly.

The tags, OMFG. :rofl

“Derived from the OG failboat himself”
“he’s not going to pay his medical bills because it wasn’t his fault he lived.”

Jesus Benny, you’re killing me.

roflmbo!! :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl +rep to you

haha fuckin benny that exampleuse ofthe word is fuckin killin me man im laughin so hard…



  • 1 rep for u also benny

Had to revise, I dont think they liked me using his real name.
