Sightings Thread

Saw a volt yesterday on 87n.

Saw a chevy venture blow up today in defreestville. :rofl so much white smoke. Dude didn’t give a FUCK and kept driving. Ohhh the sweet smell of coolant.

on I90 east bound around 5 pm tonight.

Also some shitty orange '94-'97 Accord with a black hood and what sounds like no muffler on Highbridge road the past two nights as Im walking. Junk.

Oh FUCK THAT SHIT. You should’ve had that fucking thing WIDE OPEN, head leaned out of the window shouting and honking at everyone around you with a megaphone.

Some hillbilly on Consaul has one of these parked in his driveway during the summertime. They’re usually in their back/front yard smoking weed out of an apple

BADASSS! how the fuck did i miss this? i was on my way home from work just after 5

Spotted onebadbug, as i was pulling out of dd’s in scotia, he was pulling in

on the Scotia bridge this afternoon

I saw a silver one in Saugerties the other day, but didnt realize what it was right away.

This one was maroon, had michigan plates.

I heard he has a knack for that kinda thing.

If only it was driving off Scotia bridge.

I also saw a silver one but I’m pretty sure it was around here. He was definitely not getting maximum battery life out of it when I saw though.

PJB on central ave whipping the laundry truck!!

Minty white TDI cup edition, looked pretty cool.

Saw alpine’s whip in the garage at hvcc.

New skyline Gray, old guy Buzzing with it on 90

saw a real cool redneck in an IROC camaro do a burnout right behind me at a red light then practically launch straight into the back of me. Once the lane split into two a little ways up, i decided to get side by side with another car doing 10 under the speed limit and just lock him in behind us. It was pretty hysterical watching him get angry back there. He then started driving in the middle of both lanes tailing us both. The car on the right of me must of gotten mad/scared because they slowed down and then got behind me letting him pass. The cool redneck then flew by and flipped me off. I then chased him down blaring my horn at him for about 2 miles. Stupid ass

funny thing is i saw a brand new camaro do a u turn on central and gun it. Dude almost got nailed by a car then barely missed been spotted by a colonie cop who had someone pulled over.

lol i think i shocked pete when i said whats up when i was in my beater. Car is looking smooth buddy.

Audi R8 on rt 9 latham

Was in Bennington today, saw a maybe late 90’s chevy dually. Looked a little odd from a distance, and then when I got up close I realized that the dually flare must have either rotted or been damaged. In it’s place, the owner screwed/bungie corded a black rubbermaid container (atleast the truck was black). CLASSIC redneck engineering. I wish I could have got a pic

Some silver vw beeped at me on route 9 by guptils today… no clue who you were lol.

wasnt me. I was in the shop until 3:30 so you saw one of our other drivers.

wagon- Pete
Jetta- Brett