Sightings Thread

lol, headed to throw an alternator in the civic broken down at exit 23 lolol… I put fucking 3 alternators in that fucking car last night, not one was good.

Saw midthrust and mx5 yesterday offering to help, thaks guys :slight_smile:

when did he get an r8???
thought he had an s8 :dunno

I put 4 in the 2 years I owned it . Lance pretty sure replaced one or two when he did.

ever thought of testing the charging system?
maybe the battery is shitty and causing the alternator to over work itself to recharge it?
idk just a possibility

Battery is fine,
This is just a theory, but I think becuase of the engine, manifold ext, the alternator is getting extremely hot keeps burning out. That or a short somewhere in the wiring.

is it possible to use one with a fan on the front of it?
like this:

Cars sold now, but im not sure if they have those for civics? or where to get one if they do?

yea idk, im just throwing ideas out lol

meant s8 lol

Ek’s have a recall on the alt fuse blown due to a wire rubbing in the intake bracket.



That alternator should get you across the country, no problems.


hahah .

Mobile repair squad in the s8… yeaaa

You guys are like a broken record, wtf… Come up with new jokes and stop laughing at the same one lol…

Upstate, youve made the across country joke like 5 times now, come up with something new

and sweaty youve “hahahaha’d or lolololol’d” all 5 times right after he makes that joke.

Adv auto and napa altertors are junk . But if u keep icing alts its Prolly a bad wiring scenario or Batt dude . Just cause the Batt may start ok don’t mean its good .

calm the fuck down