Sightings Thread

Saw a grey ferrari on vly road yesterday in scotia around 6Pm

Saw a z06 at the train station… license plate 505hp427 or something like that

Probably DeCresente. I know he lives out that way and has a dark grey F430

g37 damage… was hit so hard in the back, the rear interior broke apart and the plastic middle peice is broken lol

Damn yeah that looks fucked. Glad you’re okay though! Was the dude definitely drunk?

yes, he was falling over while doing the sobriety test… he def got arrested

fucker made me hit my head too lol

Driving drunk is dumb enough but wasn’t it the middle of the afternoon too? Tards will be tards. Just sucks you had to get caught in the middle of it instead of him hitting a light pole or something.

yeah, 4pm on the dot lol… Lance said the cops pulled a half opened bottle of vodka out of his pack pack and he said it was his friends lmaoo

It was his friends but his belly was keeping it safe for him.

Kid was ON HIS WAY to work as well

Excellent. People amaze me.

Yesterday I followed a pretty clean GC silver 2.5rs back out to Moreau/Gamsevoort area on Rt 9. car was clean and driven respectfully

Glad you’re okay Dave, How’d you hit your head? no seatbelt?

Damn man, glad to see you’re ok. That could’ve been a lot worse. Behavior like that is ridiculous at anytime, but 4pm? :rofl

Is the car totaled? It looks pretty bad.

glad to hear you are ok! g/l with everything. without bringing shit up i did get hit by a subaru. the driver was flaming gay. so now i have to admit i was slammed in the ass by a fag!

are you sure it wasn’t a purple nissan 240sx lol…a prelude? I know of a purple 240 that matches the description. It actually has the front end tubbed out to you can turn the wheels almost 90*

sorry to hear about the accident Dave! I feel the same way, with that much damage I’d want the car totalled out. That car would never be same again. Let some dumbass :dunno have it b/c he thinks he got a deal on a car that happen to have a salvage title :lol

Brandon Deming’s car? that thing is badass.

creeper ^^

Nah, what do you mean? He’s probably facebook friends with Brandon Deming…instant friend/good friend/best buds.