Sightings Thread

Saw a yellow s4 riding pretty low on western in albany tonight. I think it was a b7… looked sickk

Seen your car last night at the nisky lot

Pretty sure I saw JSEnclosures on rt5 in his black s2000. Passed me while I was turning left over lock9/103 early this afternoon.

Also saw a Toyota Rav4 on Wolf Rd yesterday with a JSEnclosures sticker on the back window around 1230ish.

believe i saw jsEnclosures s2k on i90 around 3ish maybe 330 today

saw JSEnclosures today

:lol theres a few down there

also saw JSEnclosures today, on i90 think it was 3 or 330ish

I think i saw jsenclosers… not positive

Shift Multiplicity

saw JSenclosures in Los Angeles today

White Toyota Tacomo truck on Wulf Rode . JSEnclosers?

Strange lights in the sky last night. JSEnclosures?

I was about to jerk it and instead of lotion coming out of the bottle, sure enough it was JSEnclosures!

Was banging my girl, looked up and guess who I think I saw…

lol that’s my buddies Mom’s car

haha everybody’s been seeing me

Just saw JSEnclosures post in here.

fergie and jesus?

saw the black gtr parked off wade rd in one of the office buildings