Sightings Thread

#ThatAwkwardMomentWhen you need to make people up.

Just saw Clyde D with Suzie and Tricky Randy. Fuckin crazy times… lulz were in plentiful supply for all

never heard of them. Are they members of this site?

Just saw johnny hopkins and sloan kettering blazing that shit up outside my old school

how is sloan these days?

smoking the shit that killed Elvis?

sloan was super sweaty… pry from watching cops

wouldnt suprise me… sloan was such an athlete

Just saw Bill Cosby walking down Troy-Schenectady Rd.

state champ wrestler in the winter months… all about badminton in the summer.

i think he is at the Palace sometime soon.

Should of hit him with some jello

did he have a super awesome 80s sweater on?

Couldn’t he was already freaking out doing this:

^^ From the looks of it i think bill was also blazin it up with johnny hopkins and sloan


you guys are retarded, they’re both members of Slide that i know personally. talk to one of the slide guys on here. they’re real people. ya cheerful wonderful people

Say it again skid and ill ban ya ! Last warning …

just because you sit out in front of there house’s lurking in the bushes jerking it does not mean you know them personally

i used to ride bmx occasionally with Tim and Stepanian was in my automotive class last year.

Just saw Johnny from Cobra Kai at Best Buy in Crossgates.