Sightings Thread

Word. Mine just has layers of salt accumulating on more layers of salt. Ill hose it off once it warms up later in the week.

Cant even tell its dirty :rofl

hot dark haired girl driving a white Nissan 350Z at Target in Colonie this morning

Blows my mind.

Why? Lol. Not gonna sugar coat it thing was one of the sexiest cars I’ve seen in a while. Some Asian kid got out of it. Def parents money

Thats what blows my mind. Student driving that to HVCC.

rofl, prolly Ashton… swifts girl.

Blue STi hatchback on 87 going north between exit 3 and 4, around 6:40 this evening.

didnt look like her

Pretty sure I played ridge-racer niskayuna edition on the way home from work tonight w/ turbo cobra jeffy

if that was you, I was :rofl’ing hard at the light, you must know that dude in the accord, he does that shit EVERY FUCKING NIGHT :rofl

saw this thing by my store, thing is fuckin slammed lol… someone prolly knows who it is i bet.

works at klarsfeld bicycles(or how ever you spell it)

would explain why he pulled in there scraping lol

Slammed is cool but that thing is hood as fuck. Paint it.

I can’t tell from my phone but is the trunk lid full of rust holes too?

thing was beat to holy fuck lol… rusted all the way through in spots, diff colored panels, bondo/bodywork all over ext

Unsafe pieces of shit are cool now, you guys didn’t know?


Just saw it in central passing Dave’s shop. Scraping pavement.

My brothers x girlfriend and now back to being swifts girl again lol