Sightings Thread

Pry for the best around here lol

Haha nah I didn’t really buy that heap. That one was red anyways

I might have turned into the driveway before you and I crossed paths.

I’ve yet to see this so called “Evo” you speak of and I spend too much time on both 9 & 7.


What are you some kind of evo creepster stalker?

**Looks around for the sarcasm tag in the advanced post settings.


Saw a Blue Evo X on new karner, He hung a left @ the honda dealership I think it was AVB.

I saw this plate on an F150 at my jobsite in East Durham today:

looks like youve been putting that truck to work :slight_smile: all muddy n shit !

I made a few trips to the scrapyard last week and just havent bothered washing it yet.

If it was earlier today around 11 yea was me. Getting that daily iced coffee

you got a custom plate?

fuck no. No way would I give the state any extra money for dumb shit like that.

And notice its a NJ plate anyway.

I feel like I see one of you guys all the time…I live by synapse motorsports so I always see these types of cars

If you live by synapse then why the fuck does your location say saratoga?

Who the fuck knows. lol…

Change yourself

Just did grumpy pants