new cts-v coupe on freemans bridge rd
my man… you car looks awesome.
I think I saw you driving down central sorta near Taft on Friday late morning.
I live right over there off consaul. shoulda beeped.
black Bentley sedan on the northway southbound around exit 9 this morning
Yeah my mind was elsewhere dealing with family issues and such. It dawned on me after that it was probably you haha. Next time though.
low yellow S2000 with black wheels on Albany street yesterday around 7:45pm followed shortly after by I think Justin’s itr. both cars looked great
When you honked and waved next to me the first time I didn’t realize it was you lol. I thought you were waving at someone on the sidewalk hahaha
Dark blue Jetta tdi, tint, lowered a bit rolling coal at an idle it seems. In front of me on Central.
Lol that was me. I thought that was you, once you passed me I knew it was you
my cts-v is in for service, had a cts loaner… i was like hes never gonna know it was me.
cool story
tell it again
I thought to myself “Great, the mayor of Albany is next to me honking and waving at everyone” lolololol
I was driving down central avenue on what seemed to be a beautiful day. Glanced to the left and was blinded by a combination of perfect stance and a green license plate. My hand was vigorously caressing my horn, felt so good but my body was saying no.
Then I was like hey Jim.
End of story.
Seems legit.
wow… epic gif usage by blkwgn
Black honda civic turboed in cp with vt plates…He look just like kbb.So i yelled jimmy…Well i was wrong lol