Sightings Thread

Saw Shaaaady on Central.

Car looked very clean, definitely caught my attention. You don’t see too many of those around anymore thats for sure.

haha you must not of caught a good view of the front bumper and rear bumper :lol

Ruben? (sp?)

nah he hardly puts any miles on his

saw a fucking ENORMOUS f250 today had to over a 12in lift with close to 42’s or bigger

green one with a billet Harley grille?

That truck was at northway golf today and I think I saw jclark on fire road coming around the sharp turn past chilis but I couldn’t tell without a beer in his hand

rbakerian in front of a police car!!:haha

Didn’t see but heard some racing activities going on on the N-Way :shifty
my window is open and I could hear it like it was in my backyard :rofl
Also hear a couple bikes and what sounded like a Corvette exhaust tone at WOT

sounds like people leavin the PnR :lol

Whoever it was, was RIPPPPPIN

On the way home from school today, I looked in my rear view and saw a mid 90’s black accord come speeding up from behind and start tailgating me. Dude had a red fitted on and was rocking the gangsta lean. Closely behind him was a teal mk2 jetta (looked pretty clean). I’m going probably 51 in a 45 on a double lane road. The accord goes to pass me so I downshifted to 4th and goosed it right as the accord was along side me. :rofl

I was at around 4k in 4th and he was probably at like 6k in 3rd and he couldn’t get by me. Needless to say, he was not amused. He dropped back behind me and continued to tailgate me with his buddy in the jetta close behind. I could see them on the phone with each other probably saying wtf. They turned onto some road in Vorheesville and that was the last I saw of them. :Idiots

Clowns :clap

Cliffs: Clown in old accord tailgates then tries to pass me while I’m reasonably above speed limit. He does not get by.

I love matching idiots speeds when they try to pass me over a double yellow :facepalm
Then they get pissed, it’s like :wtf just don’t pass you fucktard

I looked over at him and his facial expression was amazing :rofl
I was rocking a shit eating grin.

one day you younger guys will realize its not worth it, just let them pass. Don’t get me wrong its fun and i’ve had my share of that stuff.

Plus if you speed up, which forces him to stay in the lane longer than he needs to and he gets in an accident, you CAN be held liable.

really? (not being sarcastic)

i thought if you were in the passing lane you were assuming all risks?

yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s how it works on a double solid yellow.

Who cares, the dead don’t tell the cops anything

i thought even on a dotted/broken/whatever line too. i dunno.
