Sightings Thread

I see the pile on rt7 all the time

he goes to best fitness on central. the car seems to get lower and lower

SAW me in the mirror and screamed!

If I were you I would too… lol

I kid I kid…

iz ugly, tell me something i dont know.

I saw Sgt Mike at ualb while eating lunch.

I saw pete in the Marvin Library hitting on some HVCC black girls

saw dukey hittin on bennifizzle girl in marvin library

aand sarGENTE mikeul on the durr bike by latham fORD.

Heard some asshole beeping at me by latham fORD.

ya that we me mikeul

really pete?

a pretty bad accident at the end of 787 from the 7 ramp going north into cohoes…

that was my old 91 gli w/ obd1 vr6 swap.

kid who bought it lives right near colonie center.

Ive seen that on 378 as well

Think I saw bennyfizzle this morning on Erie Blvd around 7

saw nicole at i love ny pizza on rt4 yesterday

did you do the work to it?? i saw him turnin onto central from everett, and it sounded pretty good.

Saw the GF drive off in the TA this am. Told her to take which ever car had more fuel in it. I was not awake enough to consider the third variable. LOL

i let my girlfriend drive my car ONCE. That was the first and last time her foot ever touched the pedals.

shes got like 3 or 4 v8 cameo slugs now lol