Sightings Thread

i saw a pagani zonda F in black shit was nice!!!

Who the fuck drives a zonda in Buffalo when its December?:rofl

billy lia’s wifes car

which lia, the castle, the hotel, the mansion, or the lake house? :lmao

side note: You know andrew burger and nick shipeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

thats what i call all of them

and no and no

Either the castle or the mansion…idk which ones which. whatevers closer to your crib:lol

castle is the new one on spyglass ct by wheeler/studo/crupi and the hotel is the one where the f430 always is by the levys

Hey I know all those people too :rofl You spelled Stuto wrong.

lol true. was just providing reference points for jae g00n


Wasn’t me !!! hahaha haven’t left the house in 7 days now ={ and it really sucks!!!

think that guy lives in loudonville. down the road from siena towards albany. that car is sick

Yeah that’s Pete’s buddy Jordan…It’s lowered on the stock air suspension…license plate is like “H2O J” or something. I see him all the time in Loudonville/Latham as well.

how old is the guy? looks like he cant be to much older than 25-30. i see him almost everyday

different hatfield… :lol

i just saw some dude riding one of those 50cc pocket bikes down the side walk on central ave up there by the I87 onramp/overpass. 630 in the morning

the entire situation made me do this :crazy:wtf

Someone drove one of those up Madison ave at 4:30pm last night while weaving in and out of traffic AND and passing stopped traffic on the right AND driving through the light at the intersection of New Scotland Ave. I was waiting for his brains to get splattered across the road with the way he was driving.

there was a blue Audi parked behing me today at U alb… lowered on black wheels with a blue lip…
it looked good!
anyone on here?

Saw Leo stunting over by the airport at about 1030