Sightings Thread

My shit’s slow. If your truck is faster than a Beretta youve already got mine beat.

who,s and where

I dunno it was some girlish purple color. :lol

Could be my friend Mike Ferra. He owns one :slight_smile: (along with Cayenne Turbo, '93 911 RS America, and 2003 996 Super Cup)

ahhhhhhhhhhh , i know that one things a heep

kdubs…are you still rollin on steelies? if so i saw you on the thruway yesterday at about 1pm-ish out near utica…you were going towards there and i was heading towards albany…

LOL… yes still on steelies… and only blacked out one in the region… :slight_smile:

Erik had it yesterday took it to Caz… I’m in FL lol…

Saw Cosseydizzle @ Hannaford.

Just saw Jeff in the cobra go past my plaza on route 9

Sounds really good!

LaDuke’s white hatch at work.
Nicely dished out black M3 near latham cinema
OEM looking Franknut’s twin on black wheels
A nearly MINT GREEN A4 avant. i never knew they had THAT shade of green. looked like metal flake as well

Saw a platinum grey MK4 Jetta gli, with bike racks on the roof on central tonight right around Langan or so. I proceeded to act like a stunta and boosted by him only to slam on the brakes becaue a copper was looking right at me! lol I am an idiot. Atleast i didnt get yanked and we both had a little LOL at my stupidity.

Then on the ride home on Rt5 I met up with a White chevy 2500 rollin a lil coal. It has a sinlge white Fox sticker in the center of the back window. We messed around for a little bit and made our way to RT5-s on the south side… where I proceded to break down, once again in the Jetta turd. I limped it home and now I got this…

Ohh well it was, once again… fun while it lasted.

pretty sure i met this guy at last years trailrex

haha ive seen a couple back TBSS’s in the area…well albany area…haha…and yea i guess i saw erik then…LOL …and LMK when your truck is going to be back in the area…i want to check it out and possibly go see the guys that did your light tinting for you…

Still the only black one in the upstate area to have gone as blacked out as I have :slight_smile: next closest are down in the City and NJ… :tongue

I’ll be back in Town Aug 8th and having a BBQ on the 16th in Albany if you want to come by… otherwise I prob wont be out by Utica until the 26th? maybe earlier not sure…

When you refer to light tinting I am guessing you are referring to the headlights?

Maybe he lived neer u, he was headed that way… I brokedown a little ways down past the stone query so i dunno where they went from there.

Yellow s2k at Latham Gold’s just 5 minutes ago. Front bumper really needed paint. Anyone on here?

Ran into the head of academic advising while walking into the library.

He was NOT pleased with my lack of attendance in my classes this past week :rofl Fuck.

the red black top convertible ferrari again

the taillights and stuff like that…

Georges Collision in Cohoes did it :tongue

Tails are done dark and headlights are lightly smoked… I’ll let you know when I’m out your way for sure.