Sightings Thread

Drove next to deadbeat in his m3 yesterday in schenectady he was yelling/talking in the car alone?



:rofl :rofl omg


wow hahahaha

hahah plus rep

LULZ were had

Saw Duke Laduke while leaving my development earlier today.

And this at my grandmothers’ house in Sch’dy while I was attempting to mow the lawn:


What neighborhood is that?

I wish I had taken a pic when I got my mail around two. It was all sunny and there was a straight line of just black clouds. Five minutes later, dark as hell and thunder. Then it started raining. Nuts

by woodlawn elementary

You should have seen me trying to get the backyard finished, I was mowing as fast as the personal pace would allow and drifting around every corner. :rofl

Ha! My family lives over near there too. That storm was crazy, took down a tree limb near my house. Missed the car, unfortunately.

Guadagnino or something like that.

Today I saw a black '48-'52 Ford F1 pickup hauling lumber and junk, still being used as a truck after all these years on Clinton avenue in Albany.

Saw my car being a dumper.

not surprised gente

Saw a red teg with red rims near the sonoco in cohoes

yup that would be a half way developed funnel cloud.