Sightings Thread

Saw that car too, looked mean, the dude driving it thought he was THE MAN even though he was probably just moving it from one place to another. It had a dealer plate on it.

That was me and brett…i didnt realize that was you until after you had passed.

Thanks dude! I figured you were part of the convoy but i didnt know your name so i didnt add you in my post. My B ni99a! :lol Thats a good pic too, cell phone?

nope my legit camera

Yeah, I couldnt tell who was in the passenger seat. I realized it was you at the last second.

Saw an explorer on its roof in I Love NY pizza last night

^^ LMAO :rofl

Prolly Michael Lia.

IN I love ny pizza? Which one?

Right across from Mcdonalds

The driver was 25 at the oldest so it might have been his son. Do you know Michael Lia personally?

Nah, just know of him.

what trucks?

Didnt even think of that. It was def him now that i think about it.

valeted a white e92 M3 last night. sounded SOOOO good, rolled out too.

not actual car.

I’ve seen some teenage kid whipping a brand new red m3 around. Must be nice…

wait is that toyota undercover?

I dunno dude… you’re bike was parked rightttt in the middle of the stunt show

o yea i was going to move it but then people would be like yea do something and id feel mad dumb.

saw smmokinsss up in bspa at a gas station yesterday on our way to the drift event

Just saw Scott in his purple Diablo in CP around 1, car looked and sounded sick!