sil40 wtf?

yea i got bored at teds yesterday so a trip to a importer became of us.
when we got there noticed 2 silvia fenders, after ted bugged me for about a half hour to buy them. i did… we went to his house and started. with only half the parts , and a bumper that was sawed into half.

that was the start of it

5 hours later after tryin to make the bumper fit properly here it is. still missing some stuff but w.e lol

looks good man
get a hold of a grill and paint it black

and get a hold of some corner lights,
but tons of people are looking for those , so good luck.

btw, i’ll have a few silvia front ends in september if your still on the market for the corner lights

and on top of that,
at least that ENDLESS sticker is gone…

sorry to post again
i was showing a girl i know the front end on msn

Jaime - The sexiest of all signs = ME! lol I am a picture of the ULTIMATE seductress (horoscopes are hilarious) youuuuuu! says (2:11 PM):
What is it integra front end

owned… taht reminds me of that gif of the s14 and s13 and wrx talking

sweet man the paint and lights would top it off, good job, not the biggest fan of the hatch back but that makes it look much sexier then they all ready are!

looks really good, just paint it black and put a gtr grill in there

thanks for hte positive comments, the hood is really messed up so i need a new one. and i hate hood pins…hood pins = too jdm for me.
the hood was from a front clip that had another front clip on top of it, so there is caliper marks in it… by the end of the weekend if people on son can get the parts for me it will be finished. and i got the silva aero bumper on it. :slight_smile:


nice score on those fenders man!
awesome deal!

good stuff
sil40 for the win
now all you need to do it take the hatch off and turn it into sil40 TRUCK :stuck_out_tongue:

lol how did u know i got a wicked deal on the fenders :slight_smile:
get out of my head hahahah

quick question… what kind of work you had to do? cutting? welding? to get it all to fit on there? cuz when I get my car I would love to do that to mine :slight_smile:

bolts on

bolted on direct, no wireing problems at all. NOTHING. welllll. the corner lights you gotto wire up but its a quick one. and also…you have to do some minor fabbing to the rebar if u use the north american one. orrrrrrrrrrr you can just be jdm and not rock a rebar and make sure u dont rear end someone

Yay, welcome to the sil40 (sileighty) club. I’ve got an extra oem silvia grill if you’d like it. as well I think I’ve got a 180sx tail piece somewhere around mssc if you’re interested in that too.

T_T…I wanna join the sil40 club to lolz…I will eventually when I get bored of the Zen Chuk Pig style…

^the shit… use this + fibreglass strand to make your bumper 1 piece…

I just used this to fix the corners on my JDM S14 skirts, nice and strong, yet flexible.

how much was it for a bottle of that stuff? and you got it at crappy tire?

napa, my father picked it up, I think I heard him grumbling something about $65…

1 should do, but apply it from both sides, inside first, and it sets rather quickly, for my skirts (and that bumper) I would only use fibreglass on the inside, lay down a generous amount, press your fibreglass into it, then a little more over top so the fibreglass is in the centre, be sure to press it into the gap.

for that bumper (I’ve seen it in person) you’ll need to find a way to hold it a near perfect position so you fix it straight.

i was thinking of riviting in some aluminum and then filling overtop of that so the metal will keep it nice and straight. ill give it my best shot when i get 65 dollars for that lol and i got a couple new pics. here

im so jealous on the price you paid for those fenders
damn ted & you !