silver car parked on seneca with the massive park bench spoiler

while driving a customer home from work i noticed a silver car with a huge metal park bench on its trunk… now there was nothing done to this car not even a tin can muffler, plastick spinning hub caps or tacky AEM stickers… i huffed in discustment… then on the way back not only was the silver one parked there now there was a black car same exact metal park bench spoiler and yet no tin can muffler, he did have walmart hug caps tho and black tint so i guess i can give him a +1 but and a for sale sign on it…

im sry i just wanted to pull over have a nice seat on the spoiler and ponder WHY DO THESE SPOILERS EXSIST and why do these kids think its ok to put them on.

sry i just had to vent there for a minute.


i huffed in discustment







+13 :picard:

i don’t understand why you give a shit in the first place? It is his own car let him do to it what he wishes.

this thread was a waste of 30 seconds that you owe me and the rest of the members who wasted time to view it

oh and a little english help for you my friend

dis·gust·ing (dĭs-gŭs’tĭng) Pronunciation Key
adj. Arousing disgust; repugnant. See Synonyms at offensive.

dis·gust’ing·ly adv.

dis·gust·ing /dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ, dɪˈskʌs-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dis-guhs-ting, di-skuhs-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
causing disgust; offensive to the physical, moral, or aesthetic taste.

highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; “a disgusting smell”; “distasteful language”; “a loathsome disease”; “the idea of eating meat is repellent to me”; “revolting food”; “a wicked stench”


I have a sandy vag.



was one a focus and one a prelude?


was one a focus and one a prelude?


haha that came to my mind too…but thats on clinton right near the school


i don’t understand why you give a shit in the first place? It is his own car let him do to it what he wishes.


then why did all of u post a thread about my friends neon…



then why did all of u post a thread about my friends neon…



round 2


then why did all of u post a thread about my friends neon…


drop it kid… its done


No blood no thread :frowning:


haha that came to my mind too…but thats on clinton right near the school


lol yeah wrong street i know both of them.