simple DVR questions

im thinking abuot getting DVR, if i get it, will i be able to go back to earlier in the month? or do u ahve to set to record shows only? durrr

It only plays things that you set it to record.

if the show is in the guide back a month then yes it will record it for you.

If i leave a channel on , i can rewind all the way back to when i first put that channel on-as soon as you turn the channel you cant rewind. i record everything nowadays. I hate commercials totally!

werd i cant wait to have DVR

dvr rocks ive had mine for about 2-3 weeks now and its awesome

i use to miss so many shows, now on like a monday I go thru and dvr the shows I wanna watch for the whole week

the pausing live tv feature is pretty cool. then after that you can usually fast forward thru commercials.