SINCE, SENSE, SENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the record, I’m rich and skinny.

The your/you’re thing bothers me a lot.


also threw

threwought. I swear i saw it.





I’ve been noticing this alot lately as well.


alot = not a word.

Is “alittle” a word? No, then neither is “alot”. It’s going to be a lot of bullshit if we actually start calling out people for grammar.

I have been guilty of “alot”

But as of the past year or so, i’ve straightened that out.

allot is a word, for reference sake

but people don’t use allot a lot

in regards to my sentences, i allot a lot to them occasionally.


i fucking hate stupid people. PERIOD.

even if you went to a shit elementary school, you learn this stuff over and over. any teacher who doesn’t correct basic errors should just go find another profession. go to a fucking decent school, and LEARN.

fucking unreal.

lol ok, now that that is out of my system… answer me this… how can people be SO DUMB?




i fucking hate stupid people. PERIOD.

even if you went to a shit elementary school, you learn this stuff over and over. any teacher who doesn’t correct basic errors should just go find another profession. go to a fucking decent school, and LEARN.

fucking unreal.

lol ok, now that that is out of my system… answer me this… how can people be SO DUMB?


Then you realize that you don’t capitalize any of the first letters of the first word of the sentence.

Also, that is incorrect usage of an ellipse. :stuck_out_tongue:


Then you realize that you don’t capitalize any of the first letters of the first word of the sentence.

Also, that is incorrect usage of an ellipse. :stuck_out_tongue:




:banghead: my .02 sense, really i know there is alot of gramatics errors and i agree thier,theyre,there seems to be commonly misused. Since sense sence …Sence is it a new compound word now.


:banghead: my .02 sense, really i know there is alot of gramatics and i agree thier,theyre,there seems to be commonly misused. Since sense sence is Sence a new compound word now.


D- for effort




Can some one actually pronounce this one for me??

I am completely guilty of where/were since I don’t pay attention to what I type





haha, much better.



haha. but seriously, these 3 words are rampantly misused here.



Heres to typing right after waking up with a hangover. Even I just :lol:ed



Heres to typing right after waking up with a hangover. Even I just :lol:ed


Just admit you suck and you weren’t really hung over. It’s hypocritical irony at its finest! :wink:


Just admit you suck and you weren’t really hung over.


theres a bar in Batavia called Uncle Tony’s that will say otherwise :stuck_out_tongue:

but i will admit, that is indeed hypocritical irony. :rofl:

THE ONLY REASON I CLICKED THIS>… was i was confused at what sence was… lol

Look what I found after reading this thread that made me laugh.


i met nick pearl… that kid sucked. As soon as he said his name, it all made sence (sic?)
