Sippin on the sizzurp!

I hate being sick. I hate going to work. I hate working late in Grove City. I get all 3 today at once. Since I’m sick, I’ve been sippin on the sizzurp to keep my lungs inside my chest cavity. I’m not coughing anymore but the 'Tuss got me spaced out.

But I will get a nice bit of overtime this weekend. The company i work for is doing a traffic impact study in Grove City near the outlets. In english, that means I get to go count cars passing through an intersection for a few hours each day.

:blah: :blah:


Chime in to relieve boredom

you just made me crave waffles

grove city suxors. get better dude… hit me up this weekend.

mmmmm im gonna go make some waffles, get well blazed


dang, now I’m hungry for waffles too. I like them when they are just a little bit crunchy. Like an Eggo that has been in the toaster for awhile. LEGO MY EGGO, BITCH. haha

Sonny, you down to hit up some places in the city on Sat. night?

i just made myself some homemade waffles from scratch!!! mmmmmmmm sooooo good! 4 stacked high with tons of butter and hot syrup! :yum:

thank you so much blazed! you made my day

is there an IHOP anywhere around the area. I went to one in jersey and it was awesome.


I got a speeding ticket on the same road it’s on last saturday! :rant:

I was with my friend from OH when we went past it and i even mentioned how I have never been there… weird. Maybe it’s an omen for me to eat waffles.

3/13/2005 10am washington waffle house meet!!! :boink :boink :boink

whole grain / oat panckates or maybe there wheat or something are the best… with strawberry syrup… mmmmmm

OMG creamcheese filled belgum waffles OWN … i’m tempted to drive out there now

I love the smell of a brand new spindle of CD-Rs in the morning… one time I burned cds for 12 hours… that smell… that polystyrene smell… the whole office… smelled lke victory

or pancakes, I dunno which

breakfast > dinner > lunch

Doesn’t your company have those counter strips?

If not, convince someone at a CivE firm to lend you one, then declare to your boss that you’re a genius and that you’re taking the rest of the day (or two) off.

No, we don’t have the counter things. It’s rare we do this type of surveying so it doesn’t warrent spending the money for the machine. But it is overtime for the 6 of us going, so I’m sure that will rack up a pretty penny too. I also don’t know if those machines differentiate between large trucks and passenger cars, which we are required to do. Businesses are weird sometimes.

we must have a waffle house meet sometime