Waffle House FTW

Maryland sucks, but I’m going to Waffle House tonight for my pre-bed meal (3 eggs, 2 slices of toast, milk). If you’ve never been to one, imagine heaven for a post-night out drunken meal and you will get an idea of what it’s like:bowdown

:facepalm i want wafflez



Waffle house founders-


Music too-


Paying your bill, and your placemat is also a menu!


Even little chinkz like it!


Easy choice for me!


Clothing line…


And now that’s a REAL MEAL!!


:facepalm :facepalm


wost places to eat ever … stoped at one on the way to Fl. and it will never EVER happen again.

Waffle House FTL (just my opinion)

Waffle house in Birmingham, Alabama = AWESOME

Went to waffelhouse twice a day when I was down in columbus, GA when we were setting up our branch for the Fort Benning contract we have…

The food there is abosloutely greasey, horrible for you, the places are generaly a mess and the people who work there are generaly ammusing…

I love it!

I got the texas something or other sammich

Texas toast, eggs, bacon, cheese… Then the homefries smothered something n other bla bla bla…

so good

OH Shit theres one by where im going in PA in a few weeks… Deff going there

travis, your eating a pre bed meal that has 0 fiber so this will digest fast and u will be catobolic b4 u know it. throw some spinach in that bitch and slow it all down.

I can’t remember the last time I saw one of those…
Last time we were in MD we ate at crappy Dennys.

i didnt know there was a such thing as a good dennys.

I didn’t say “a” crappy Denny’s. :tongue
Maybe I just like to state the obvious, okay?

well you do tell me im hot all the time so…:tongue

I thought that was the Vette I was talking about?
And next time you leave the garage door open, I’m coming inside and making myself at home.

sure come on in. dont be alarmed if in walking around the house nekid, unless roomate is there.

we had one of these right down the street from my school in FL. Waffle House is the greatest shit ever when you have the drunk munchies :haha

OMFG did that sign say shoneys? I LOVE THAT PLACE!!! steak is fucking awsome!!!

waffle house > IHOP

IHOP=can barely make it out of the building without shitting first

i’ve went past countless waffle houses when i was in tampa last year and never tried it :frowning:

you missed out, they may look a bit dirty but they are damn good

for real. shit is so gross, and so dirty…there was a few in the Wilmington, NC area, and ill never eat there again.