The Waffle House index

Waffle House’s tenacity and preparedness are so watertight that FEMA Director Craig Fugate has joked that he watches a “Waffle House Index” of disaster magnitude. He can tell how bad a disaster’s been by how much of its menu Waffle House is serving.

Part of me is impressed, part of me is doing a picard.

I’ve always wanted to go to Waffle House. I tried three different ones when I was on vacation down south in the winter but each time the place was jam packed.

There’s one like 3 hours away in Ohio right off the 90. I wanna go at some point. lol

“Want you smothered, want you covered like my waffle house hash browns”

Love that place just don’t look around while you are eating there.

There food is really good, but yea, you could definately start a “People of Waffle House” thread. It would be funny

Government looking to the private sector for anything these days is nice, lol.

I’ve only been to one of these things in the backwoods of South Carolina, uneventful, and not memorable food. More like a local greasy spoon than anything else.

I really feel bad for you if wanting to go to Waffle House is up there on your list of things you want to do. The food is beyond terrible. I’ve been to the one in Carlisle PA, even the fresh fruit is greasy. I’d rather eat a plate of dick then food from Waffle House.

^Than or then? :wink: