Sirius S50, anyone using one?

just wondering if its sweet, or if it sucks like newman?

there is a special were its only 79 beans

edit: good deal

No live portable reception = ghey

I love mine…if i could drop $350 i’d get the stiletto for the live radio…but for $79 the S50 is a DAMN GOOD DEAL

I have one and like it a lot. Took some getting use to, but now that I know it… its cool.

lets make a deal

i will let you cut my hair if you give me your S50

i have the box hooked up to my head unit, ive been thinking of switching over to the s50 but idk

damn only $79 for the S50…

ugh… makes me sick to know how much i paid when it was new LOL

Twizted has one, its pretty effin pimp. Except he paid like 238o4795 dollars for it when it first came out. :lol: That’s a damn good deal for one now though!

so you’re going to tip me $350 right? SCORE hahah

um, yeah… about that… probably not.


i always see them when i valet - guys always take them out and put them in their pockets because they don’t trust me :gotme: haha
they def look pimp though