Six Papa John's restaurants abruptly closed for business

all that education and not 1 class in economics? High school economics taught us the theory of “opportunity costs”

ex. if no college and 12/hr job from HS to age 22 she would’ve earned ~$96k. Might not be alot of money but enough to live with a roomate and be debt free.

Her earning potential is greater than having no degree but it’s “potential”

if the decision to go to college was based solely on #1. the income level of profession vs. cost to obtain then certainly she would not a have a master degree (or the debt that comes with it). Unless it she needed a masters to be a teacher for instance.

an associates in a technical field is easiest cost vs. return for sustainable balance of debt, education, and career. Kind of like the program you are in.

I don’t wish to pick fun at you or your gf but cost of school is upfront. If she agreed to the price of St Rose then it is up to her to use her new earning “potential” Completion of any graduate degree means you have ability. my guess is that the career opportunity for her field is not great in capital district, which to me would have re evaluated #1, or move to where you can prosper with new education